Monday, November 07, 2005
Leonard Nimoy Haunts My Dreams
The downside about finally being busy again at work after two months is that you no longer have the time to write gibberish for the internets. It also doesn’t help that some kind of gaming rainbow has levelled the landscape with a delicious pot of gold tailored towards people like me. In a “dangerously close to succeeding” attempt to halt my Final Fantasy 7 play through I’ve been slapped senseless by two sequels and an expansion pack. Winter Assault brings us Dawn Of War fans some harsh snowy landscapes to crush beneath the swarming juggernaut of the Imperial Guard war machine. It’s not until you’ve halted the entire Ork onslaught with a Baneblade tank and three Earthshakers that you’ve really tasted it. There’s the majority of the single player for me to still to taste, and the Ork and Chaos campaign should be deliciously hellish, but it promises to engage me every bit as much as the main game did.
Sequels of late have been brought to you with the number 4 and the word “addictive”. Quake 4 is beautiful when you’re in it, beautiful in ways static screenshots seem to fail to portray. It’s also incredibly good fun, in a way I really wasn’t expecting. Possibly my expectations were just set low but it’s addictive, which Doom 3 wasn’t quite. Speaking of addictive, Civilisation 4 clicks in ways that Civilisation 3 somehow failed to. This is The Great Game moving forward, changing for the better and returning the sense of “Just one more turn” that I’ve missed since Civilisation 2. My first game saw the English empire running a wonderful combination of communism, free speech and organised religion as the founder of its state religion Hinduism. As I used my large voting block to thwart or pass any motions the UN leader tried to pass towards the end of the game I was completely enthralled.
Posted by Alex Hopkinson @ 2:55 PM
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